Welcome to the Twenty Sided Blog!

Welcome to my tiny corner of the web. I am a database administrator, network admin, hobbyist game developer, book author, game player, and all around geek. Up until now, I’ve been running a little game development web site called XNA Resources, but since Microsoft killed off XNA with the release of Windows 8, that puts a damper on the usefulness of new XNA information (of course, the XNA framework lives on in MonoGame, check it out if you are an XNA enthusiast).

Given the name and URL of my old XNA site, it was not really conducive to writing on other topics, so the TwentySidedBlog was born. I plan to cover a wide range of nerd-friendly topics, including coding (games and otherwise), movies, games (computer, console, board, and pen-and-paper) and any number of other things I find interesting. Each post will be a virtual toss of the icosahedron to determine what the topic might be.

To get things started, the next article will combine both scripting and game development!

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